Carey Ann Hays


Radio Free Joshua Tree Website & E-News

I developed this WordPress site for Radio Free Joshua Tree, which was looking to move away from its static HTML website, and into something where news and events content could be dynamically updated. I also helped develop the non-profit organization’s monthly e-newsletter.

Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council Website & Weekly E-News

As Communications Director of the Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council, I developed this CMS-driven website (Joomla). The content management system provided immediate updates of news and events, tied directly into the organization’s weekly e-news (that I also managed), and allowed the organization to take online membership signups for the first time.

Minnetrista Web Editor

As a temporary, fill-in web editor for Minnetrista, an art, history, and nature museum, I managed daily updates of the museum’s CMS website, compiled the semi-monthly e-news and regular email blasts, and managed the mailing lists. During my time there, I launched the organization into the (then) new arena of social media marketing.