Carey Ann Hays

All Night Production Room Website

APR_Website_1999I created my very first website in January 1999 for the Allnight Production Room, my husband’s multi-track recording studio in downtown Muncie Indiana.

Appropriate for its name, I put this together during the late night and early morning hours, as an exercise in teaching myself HTML. This is a very basic website, composed simply of images in a table on a black background.

This project was also a nice little lesson in Photoshop, a program I was still struggling to learn at the time. In creating the vignettes on the duotone images, the color cast bled over into the type. Some of the best design effects are born by accident. 🙂

The Allnight Production Room was years ahead of its time. The “Live Feed” section of the website linked to a live in-studio web cam — super high tech stuff back in the nineties!

ANPR_buscardThe business card for the studio was created using the same fancy font, printed on high gloss black card stock with raised ink in sparkly silver (just ’cause we could). Despite the raised ink and thin font, the type was clean and easy to read. The overall design was pretty effective in communicating the fun vibe of the studio.

Created January 1999

Process: Photoshop and HTML (website); Adobe Pagemaker (business cards)
Output: Website; Print on black cardstock with silver metallic raised ink (business cards)

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