Carey Ann Hays

Trailer Tags Website and Business Card

I created a website and matching business card for local artist Christy Anderson. She is best known for her Trailer Tags (custom signs created from recycled old license plates), but Christy is a diverse artist whose sculptures, metalwork, and recycled artwork can be seen all over the Morongo Basin.

The web design was inspired by the photo of Christy featured on the front page. The weathered wood and metal combination is representative of her Trailer Tags. We had limited resources in terms of images; to create the header and other Trailer Tag product images, I pieced together letters using images from her old website.

Trailer Tags Business CardFor the business card, I let the artwork speak for itself. Again, we had limited resources — in other words, no good quality photo images. I somehow managed to get the business cards to print crisp, despite using elements from the website (cringe).

Created August 2011
Process: Photoshop; HTML

Output: Print (business cards), Website

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