Carey Ann Hays

Downtown Muncie Website & E-News, 2003-2010

MuncieD-lgI created in 2003 as a source of information for the newly redeveloped downtown district. I maintained the website as a volunteer for about eight years.

I designed all the website pages, maintained the e-mailing list and edited / sent weekly emails to over 2,000 subscribers, designed print marketing and promotional materials to support the site, and developed search engine optimization to maintain our page 1 Google ranking. I also was an early adopter of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter to promote Downtown Muncie as an arts and entertainment district.

The website took many forms over the years, as the internet changed — as well as my design skills. The very early versions of the website are very “Web 1.0.” Despite the crude site design and elementary page coding, we were innovative in one thing… we had a live-stream, 24/7 web cam, webcasting from Downtown Muncie throughout the entire life of the website.

Process: HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Joomla open source CMS

Output: Web, E-mail

2010 Website Final VersionMuncieD-2010

Downtown Muncie E-Newsletter


2009 Website – Postcard Version
2008 Website – Slideshow Version
2007 Website – Surf Downtown Version
2006 Website – First CMS Version
2004 Website – Business Directory
2003 Website – First Version
(with Webcam!)


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